RecipesRelated ItemsCAKE FLOUR
Equals 1 chocolate square HARD COOKED EGG
Place eggs in cold water and bring to a simmering temperature. Turn occasionally with a spoon to keep yolk in the center of the egg. Cook for 15-20 minutes. Turn cold water on the eggs and chill MOTH REPELLENT
Mix ingredients and place them in a cheese cloth bag. Tuck the bag among your woolens in a closed bag, closet or box to ward off moths PLAY DOUGH
Mix all ingredients in heavy aluminum saucepan. Cook over med heat 2-3 minutes. It will form a rubbery ball. Do not overcook. Store in airtight container. Keeps months POLISH SILVER
tarnished silverware
Cream shortening and sugar together. Add egg, baking powder, salt, vanilla, and water. Mix until well blended. Gradually stir in cereal. Knead well until smooth. Pat into rectangle 12 X 2 1/2 cut it into 12 one inch bars. Smooth edge so they will not be sharp. Place on baking sheet. Bake until dry. Store in uncovered container overnight WILD RICE
Rinse wild rice well and drain. In a large pan (since wild rice will expand up to 3 times its size), add wild rice to boiling water at a ration of 4 parts water to 1 part wild rice. Bring to a boil again and simmer wild rice from 30-40 minutes. When wild rice becomes tender and fluffy but not mushy, take a fork, fluff and cook for an additional 5 minutes. Drain water and use in your favorite recipe HTML created by CookWorks: Show 'n Send ® on 3/27/2003 |